Tuesday 25 January 2022

Early Snowdrops in Martlesham

We always enjoy an annual visit to the Snowdrops in the churchyard at Martlesham, across the river Deben from NT Sutton Hoo. We knew we were pretty early for spring flowers, but it was a delight to find a good spread, if not quite a carpet, of these beautiful flowers. I expect we will return in a few weeks, once the Crocuses have had a chance to open.

Church of St Mary the Virgin. Most Snowdrops were the far side of the flint-faced tower.

We watched this Buzzard being dive-bombed by a screeching Kestrel.


I love to be near reeds

A very poor record shot, sorry; best my Zoom could manage, but lovely to see these Lapwing

I love Snowdrops, but I also look forward to the riot of colour that comes later ...

... and indeed, we saw our first Daffodil in flower, but don't you love the purity of the Snowdrop?



  1. How I used to look forward to the first crocuses and daffodils when we lived in Minnesota. It does a heart good to see the first signs of spring.

  2. So lovely to see the snowdrops. Always good to see one of the first signs of Spring. Great photos :)

  3. Some snowdrops are already in bloom in Edinburgh and others will be out soon! Lovely photos, Caroline, and as you say lovely to see so many lapwings. We've seen a flock recently too.
