Monday 16 August 2021

Common Blue Butterflies at Landguard, Felixstowe


We seem to have had a very breezy, and at times blustery, summer here in our corner of the east coast. Small butterflies, like the blues, tend to hide away in the long grass and are not easy to see. If they brave the elements by clinging to Viper's Bugloss, Ragwort or grass seedheads, they sway about and can be very difficult to photograph!  

But I love blue butterflies (which always bring to mind 'Blue-Butterfly Day', Robert Frost's springtime poem), and am always glad when I encounter them. The photographs in this post were taken this last weekend on the nature reserve at Landguard, which nestles between the North Sea and the container port of Felixstowe. We think we also saw one or two Brown Argus; these insects are not easy to distinguish from Common Blue females, and in such windy conditions, it was hard to be sure. However, I think the butterflies in these photos are all Common Blue. 



  1. Some of the most stunning photos I've ever seen. Common Blues are enjoying a resurgance at the moment. I've put all my Butterfly poems in one blog by the way Toodles, Marky.

  2. Beautiful photos, Caroline! I've seen more common blues than usual this year.
