Tuesday 15 June 2021

'Driftwood by Starlight', my new poetry collection

Publication day has come, and Driftwood by Starlight, my first full-length poetry collection has arrived. I owe a huge debt of gratitude to Peter Thabit Jones, my publisher.

The book can be ordered here from Peter's online shop at The Seventh Quarry Press. Susan Richardson has written these very generous words for the back-cover blurb ...


Those of you who are kind enough to visit or follow this blog will not be surprised to hear that while there are some more historical and archaeological poems, the natural world looms large. Most poems are set on or around the coast of Wales, Scotland and England (Cornwall especially, which features on the cover photograph by Laurence Hartwell). I hope some of you may decide to buy a copy and that you will find something particular that resonates with you. 




  1. Wonderful.
    Many congratulations on the publication of your book.

    My good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  2. Hello, Caroline

    Congrats on your poetry book being published.
    Have a happy day and great weekend!
