Sunday 9 May 2021

Landguard and the Sea at Last

Wheatear, there were several in evidence today


We have had a couple of visits to the sea recently, which have been such a joy after all the long winter months of shielding at home. 

The beach at Landguard (Felixstowe) is partly nature reserve, and there are currently large swathes of fenced-off areas to allow species such as Ringed Plover to breed without disturbance. We saw a number of these beautiful birds from a distance. There was also a sizeable flock of Linnets.

We looked hard for seals this afternoon, but failed to see any. However, there was one in evidence on our previous visit (see further down).  

I hope we will have the chance to visit this bit of coast more frequently now that restrictions are lifting. How I have missed the sea!




  1. There seem to be more wheatears around this year. I spotted my first a few weeks ago. Enjoy those sea breezes. B x

  2. Beautiful photos, I love visiting the beach. Love the Oystercatcher!

    Have a great day and a happy new week!

  3. I enjoyed seeing your photographs.

    All the best Jan
