Saturday 24 April 2021

Spot the Dragon and the Sutton Hoo Bluebells

I love bluebells, partly because blue is my favourite colour and there are not many flowers that have such an intensity of blue colouring, and partly because they remind me of nursery school visits to Kippington Meadow where we formed a circle and danced, singing 'In and out the dusty bluebells'. I wonder if any of you played this 'song-game' when you were also very young.  

We saw the bluebells in this post yesterday in the woods that form part of the Sutton Hoo estate. There was also plenty of Hawthorn blossom.

Sutton Hoo overlooks the river Deben and the town on Woodbridge. The tide was going out at speed. 

Here be dragons in the wood ...

... but what I didn't know until yesterday was that this dragon's name appears to be 'Spot'.   ;-)

There were one or two winged insects flitting about on the gorse. I wonder what the white sphere is at the top of the red arrow. I am guessing it may be an egg or perhaps pupa of some kind.  

Who knows if this impressive den, created with last year's bracken, was meant to resemble an ancient dwelling? 
I had wondered if the tiny pink flower below was a type of Storksbill. Perhaps I need to post it on iSpot. 

 * * *

Meanwhile, back in our Suffolk garden the Bee-flies have been making the most of our Dandelions and Honeybees have been busy gathering amber-gold pollen.



  1. Lovely photos and the bluebells look wonderful. How I would love to go to Sutton Hoo. Love Spot the Dragon too! :)

  2. A lovely post. Bluebells always take me back to childhood. I lived in west London at the time and Dad would take me on the bus to see the bluebells. To me it was all so magical. Good wishes ~ Mike.

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