Monday 30 November 2020

Garden Butterfly Survey - November 2020


Those following this blog will know that I have been taking part in the Butterfly Conservation Garden Butterfly Survey this year. There is one month to go and I am not really expecting to see any butterflies in it, but who knows what December may bring.

As you can see, the only butterfly I noted in November was a Peacock. Like the Holly Blue, the Large White and the Small White, this species showed up here in a total of six different months. For this survey, the number you record refers to the total number seen at a time, rather than the total number per se.

UPDATE, 16 January 2021

Not surprisingly, there were no butterfly sightings to report for December 2020.


  1. It is a beautiful butterfly with all those colors.

  2. Your photograph shows a lovely butterfly.

    All the best Jan
