Wednesday 16 September 2020

Landguard Nature Reserve again... and a new Moth

We returned to the Landguard Nature Reserve yesterday afternoon and were delighted to see a new moth, which we think is probably a Treble-bar. I am waiting for the folk on iSpot to come to my aid over the ID.

We noticed this bird hopping about on its orange legs on one of the groynes. It seems to be a Turnstone (well, two of us think this is what it is), but perhaps its plumage is in an in-between stage. 

It was wonderful to be back on the water's edge...

...though there was a bit of sea fret over Felixstowe beyond the person in the distance.

Wonderful pebbles!

Turning inland a little, I noticed this plant, which I think may be Black Nightshade.

Landguard holds a very strategic position, and there are a number of grim reminders of past conflict, like this WW2 bunker pill box.

Speaking of happier things, we were delighted to see Common Blue butterflies in reasonable numbers. They were mainly low down in the grass, which made photography a challenge!

This one is on a stem of what I assume is Rest harrow. 

We also saw a couple of Brown Argus butterflies. The spot on the wing is quite marked and the abdomen quite long so I think this is the right ID.

Outside the fenced-in areas on the reserve there were lots of signs of rabbit activity... and we finally got to see two of the burrow-makers!



  1. Looks like a great day out!

    Agree with your plant IDs- Black Nightshade, Common Restharrow.

    Also agree on Treble-bar. The only confusion species is Lesser Treble-bar, though the inner bar is more acutely angled in this species, so believe you are right with Treble-bar.

  2. Hi there. Your mystery moth is a Shaded Broadbar! Whoop whoop.

  3. Hi Caroline, lovely series of photos. Particularly nice to see the common blue butterflies - we haven't seen any this year.

    Cute bunnies, we saw two yesterday but couldn't get a close up!

  4. I agree on the Treble Bar - a pretty little moth. It looks a super walk and I love those pebbles :) A great set of photos and good to see the Common Blue.
