Saturday 8 August 2020

Largely Lepidoptera (on a Very Hot Day!)

We enjoyed views of ripening barley from a very peaceful country lane (I think everyone must have headed for the beach at nearby Felixstowe), and were able to do two Big Butterfly Counts: you can see what we saw in the lists below. We were particularly excited by the numbers of Speckled Wood.

Between the first and the second count I caught sight of the moth in the photo above. It was pretty small but had very distinctive wavy bands. By my reckoning it is a Yellow Shell, but please correct me. I have only seen this species once before, and the last time was on Mull, a very different area to East Anglia! I have posted the photo on iSpot.  

These were the results from out first count...

And our second...

Today has been sweltering at times (the image below bears this out...), and it still feels pretty warm and sticky at 11pm. 

Tomorrow is the last day of this year's Big Butterfly Count, so do keep your eyes open and report your sightings to Butterfly Conservation, using the charts they supply via the website or app...

David on our butterfly count beside the fields of ripening barley


  1. Agree your moth is a Yellow Shell. It's one I see quite a bit of in the garden- they seem to disturb quite easily during the day to settle somewhere quite close.

    I've found the Big Butterfly Count rather frustrating this year as it doesn't allow you to record all the species found. For instance I've found skippers & Brown Argus but they're not on the list. In previous years one has been able to add other species seen not on the main menu. I've still completed 5 or 6 counts which were submitted.

  2. Excellent butterfly sightings Caroline! We've had some good sightings the last couple of days, thanks for the reminder about the Big Butterfly Count

  3. Hello,

    It is great you could do your butterfly count peacefully.
    The Yellow Shell is a pretty one. Nice shot of the barley field.
    Enjoy your day! Wishing you a happy new week!

  4. Great sightings.
    It really has been too hot hasn't it!

    All the best Jan
