Monday 24 August 2020

In the Garden Today

It is always interesting to find a new insect in the garden, and this hoverfly is no exception. I haven't posted it on iSpot yet, but I'm wondering if I am in the right area with a proposed ID of Chrysotoxum bicinctum, an imperfect wasp mimic. The first link will take you to an Irish site, but I gather this species is widespread. I look forward to having the identification confirmed - or corrected!

Hoverflies were not the only insects on the move in the garden today: we saw several Small White butterflies, one Holly Blue and one Red Admiral. I would so love to find a Small Tortoiseshell or a Painted Lady...

We have also been enjoying the resident grasshoppers. All the photos below, except the top right one in the collage (which was taken a fortnight ago), were taken this afternoon.


  1. You've got some lovely critters there!

  2. Hi Caroline- Agree with your tentative hoverfly ID- one of the easier ones in that genus! Grasshoppers are Field Grasshoppers. Must be a lovely garden!

  3. Wow, that's an impressive hoverfly Caroline! I think you're correct with your id for it, though it's not one I've ever seen in real life myself.

  4. Many thanks to you all for your kind comments, and I'm pleased, Conehead54 and CGP, that you agree with my ID. I'm just about to look up FIELD Grasshoppers as my orthoptera knowledge is very basic.

  5. P.S. I forgot to say, Conehead54, that our garden is possibly slightly larger than the average 'suburban housing estate' garden, but I think the long unmown grass has made a big difference this year, though the grasshoppers tend to prefer a scrubby corner with a bit of old roofing felt that warms up nicely when the sun comes out!

  6. Great collection of photographs.

    All the best Jan
