Thursday 25 June 2020

Day 25, #30 Days Wild: Ringlet butterfly

We saw our first Ringlet in the garden today, the first Ringlet we have ever seen here (though David noticed one on his walk around the block yesterday). I have just added it to my insect total for the garden: it is number 98 on my list. I am nearing 100, but it is taking a bit longer than I had expected.

Today's butterfly was very skittish, and I failed to photograph it before it fluttered over the fence; but when we set eyes on it, neither David nor I were in any doubt over its ID. The photos I have posted are from previous sightings in Yorkshire, Buckinghamshire and Scotland. 

I would like to think today's Ringlet was attracted by our long unmown grass. We have now seen a current total of 16 butterfly species in our suburban Suffolk garden this year: I know because I have been listing them on the Butterfly Conservation Garden Butterfly Survey. This year's Big Butterfly Count will run from 17 July to 9 August 2020 and I look forward to taking part.


  1. Pretty butterfly, it is nice your garden attracts so many butterflies.

    Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy weekend!

  2. I don't think that I have ever seen one like this befor now.

  3. It's amazing you have so many insects in your garden! We saw a ringlet butterfly in the local park yesterday but it didn't stop for a photo.

  4. There used to be masses of ringlets in the brambles by the sea where I lived in Dorset. I am not currently in such a butterfly rich area and miss them.
