Saturday 20 June 2020

Day 20 #30DaysWild: Update on the Wildflower Seeds provided by Butterfly Conservation (Suffolk)

Back on 4 April, the day we on which we saw the only Comma we have seen in the garden so far, we planted a little pack of wildflower seeds that had arrived with our copy of The Suffolk Argus (vol. 77) from the Suffolk branch of Butterfly Conservation. I am glad to report that the seedlings and young plants survived swarms of blackfly and are just bursting into flower.

The Cornflower above was first to open...

...followed by this daisy-like flower (I must learn what this is)...

... and then finally this Corn marigold.

I so hope that these flowers will indeed attract more butterflies to the garden. It has been windy for much of the day, but I have seen five Meadow Browns, one Large White, one Holly Blue and...

...this beautiful Skipper. We have had Skippers in the garden before, but they are not frequent visitors. I so hope there will be more tomorrow. 

But where are the red butterflies, the Peacocks, Small Tortoiseshells and Red Admirals? Perhaps we will see more of these when the Buddleia comes into flower. Meanwhile I must update my sightings on the Garden Butterfly Survey

Oh, and I must add one final picture. Some of you may have read my post on our Nasturtiums for Dr Miriam Darlington's #30DaysWildCreativity meme for Day 17... well, the first flower opened today as you can see below. I hope it will attract insects. 

P.S. Is this a hoverfly nest in my next post, please?

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