Friday 12 June 2020

Day 12 #30DaysWild: Butterfly Watching

The 'say no to the mow' personal-pledge we made at the inspirational Suffolk Wildlife Trust Summit last year is beginning to pay off. We now have Meadow Brown butterflies in our micro-meadow. I had not seen a single butterfly for some days, and then today in a rare bright moment, I went outside and was greeted by a welcome flutter of wings. I saw six (or possibly seven) of these insects in total. What a joy to have them right outside our french window. 

Back in 2012, soon after we returned to East Anglia, I remember finding a large grassy area almost awash with Meadow Browns at Burgh Castle, one of the Saxon Shore forts. Since then I have seen a fair few, but I'm not sure I have ever seen six at once in our garden before. I do hope there will be many more. I shall log this morning's sighting on the Garden Butterfly Survey I am doing this year with Butterfly Conservation. So far this June I have seen one Small Copper, one Holly Blue and one Small White, so today's sighting boosts my month's total considerably.   

...And if you haven't seen them already, do take a look here at ten 5-line puffin poems I posted earlier this week on my lockdown blog, The Glow of Emerald Light. The poets whose work is represented are from England, Scotland and the USA.


  1. Hello,

    Pretty butterflies and blooms! Enjoy your day, happy weekend!

  2. Beautiful photographs Caroline.

    All the best Jan
