Sunday 7 June 2020

#30DaysWild, Day 7: Knapweed, a New Plant on the Block

I have still to finish my Monarch butterfly picture so I am doing a relatively short post today. Once again it has been grey and potentially stormy here in our part of Suffolk. The Great Spotted Woodpecker has visited our coconut feeders, along with a huge brood (or two perhaps) of recently fledged Blue tits. I would say they are just beyond the semi-fledging stage, to use Michaela Strachan's term. 

We have had a small 'wild patch' in our suburban garden for some years, but our unmown 'wild garden' is a new experiment for us this year, and we are keen to see what surprises lie in store. The grass was beginning to look very dry before this weekend, and I hope the rain showers will perk it up a bit. I have had my eye on the Knapweed plant above for some weeks now. I imagine the seed was deposited in what used to be lawn as is now a micro-meadow by a bird or perhaps in a gust of wind. I noticed yesterday evening that one of the tight flower buds had opened, revealing the colourful thistle-like head you see in the photo above. My hope is that as soon as the sun comes out and the temperatures rise, it will attract bees and possibly butterflies and moths. 

I think the plant may be Common Knapweed, but I am not very sure so do correct me if you know otherwise. 


  1. That is a stunning woodpecker photo. I like to post things and ask for help in the identity. It is kind of a pretty flower or weed.

  2. It looks like common knapweed to me,

    Lovely photo of the great spotted woodpecker,
