Saturday 30 May 2020

Green Hairstreak Butterfly

We had seen only seen Green Hairstreaks once until this week when we thought we caught a fleeting glimpse of one in the garden. I began to doubt to my eyes until the butterfly in the photo above landed on an Ox-eye Daisy yesterday, pretty much confirming that what we had seen a few days before was probably one, too. It didn't hang around: you can just see its wings fluttering in the photo below. But it was there, and gives me another 'home patch' species for my list.


  1. That's wonderful Caroline! We've seen green hairstreaks only once when we joined a survey to find them in the Pentland Hills. Beautiful butterflies and so lucky to have them in your garden!

  2. What a wonderful sighting to have in the garden! I've never seen a Green Hairstreak!
