Sunday 19 April 2020

Today's Visitors of the Insect Kind

Two of today's garden visitors: 
the welcome Peacock Butterfly 
and the less welcome European Hornet! ... update below

We also had two more Peacocks and a Small White.

Update (see Comments)... with grateful thanks to Conehead54 who writes,
'I think your Hornet is a queen Dolichovespula media; Hornet shouldn't have those yellow stripes on the "shoulders" & generally a more chestnut thorax.'


  1. I think your Hornet is a queen Dolichovespula media; Hornet shouldn't have those yellow stripes on the "shoulders" & generally a more chestnut thorax.

  2. Lovely photos! Eek re: the European Hornet - not good :( Hope you are ok Caroline and staying safe and well.

  3. What an interesting blog, such detail. Have learnt a couple of things especially about the dunnock. Good wishes.

  4. The peacock on the dandelions lifts one's heart.
