Saturday 11 April 2020


We were thrilled to have a Green-veined White in the garden yesterday. 

We also had a male Brimstone (which I failed to photograph), two Holly Blues (ditto) and this beautiful Peacock. I am continuing to record my sightings on the Butterfly Conservation 'Garden Butterfly Survey'. It will be interesting to see how my list develops. I will post a summary soon of my sightings so far. 


  1. lovely photos Caroline, we've not seen any white butterflies this year so far, but several small tortoiseshells, a couple of peacocks and a comma.

  2. Beautiful photos. All the "whites" I have seen so far this year apart from Orange Tip have been too far away to id. I take part in the BC Garden Survey too :)

  3. Thank you, CGP and RR, for your kind comments. And, CGP, I would love to have more Small Tortoiseshells here... I must look into this in terms of the plants we (could) have... David sees a good range of butterflies almost every day on his permitted walk, but in my 'shielded' situation, I have limited scope, especially keeping 'social distance' from our fences when others are about. Our nettles seem rather poor so far... I hope they may pick up soon.
