Tuesday 17 March 2020

Ten minutes in the garden

I usually like to know or discover the identity of what is out and about in the garden, but this morning it seemed more important to catch the warmth of the sunshine and to photograph the insects (and a few other things).

The world may seem a strange place at present, but it was heartening to look around my home patch and find that spring was definitely in the air. Ladybirds, in particular, were out in force and one pair appeared to be mating. I even caught a fleeting glimpse of what appeared to be a large wasp-like creature, almost the size of a hornet. 

Bees and hoverflies were on the wing and on the bushes

Cherry blossom is just beginning to appear

Flowering Currant


Two tiny ladybirds...

... I think they are Pine Ladybirds

Another tiny ladybird with rimmed elytra, perhaps 0.2-3cm

Look at those legs!

What a joy to see those pollen sacs!
I may not have known the names of all the insects and other creatures I encountered in a limited space and a short time, but it was exciting to see so many small things moving about after the long winter months. And having posted these photos, I am now keen to add some of my sightings, and especially my 'mysteries', to iSpot...

P.S. In case you miss this comment, I shall repost it here, with grateful thanks to Conehead54:
Blogger Conehead54 said...

All the small ladybirds are indeed Pine Ladybirds. The top hoverfly is one of the dronefly group. Eristalis pertinax + the small bees are some sort of Andrena.


  1. Quite a lot in ten minutes, Caroline! Your garden should keep you busy.

  2. Your weather (and insect and flower life) is much further ahead that us here in the north. We got out today - crisp cutting wind and scudding clouds but we did see lapwings and curlews and lots and lots of mud.

  3. … and a very nice ten minutes spent in the garden.
    Lovely variety and photographs.

    All the best Jan

  4. You have discovered so many nice things in your garden. It is a large variety. I walked around my property today and had the fun to see what was coming up. Our spring is later than yours.

  5. All the small ladybirds are indeed Pine Ladybirds. The top hoverfly is one of the dronefly group. Eristalis pertinax + the small bees are some sort of Andrena.

    It's so great getting to see insects in the garden again-roll on spring. Had my first butterflies on Monday- 2 male Brimstones.

  6. What a lovely post - so many great photos of wildlife you saw. Sometimes I think it is good not to worry about id but just to live in the moment and enjoy what you are seeing all around you :) Take care and stay safe.

  7. lovely to see the insects starting to come out, specially the pine ladybirds, they're so pretty.
