Saturday 25 January 2020

RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch, 2020

As you can see, we took part in the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch this morning. Do see if you can take part and do a count, too: Monday 27 January is the last day for this.

We spotted ten species of birds in one hour in our suburban Suffolk garden (showing the maximum number of any one species seen at a time)...

  1. Wood pigeon: 4
  2. Blue tit: 6
  3. Great tit: 1
  4. Robin: 1
  5. Starling: 2
  6. Magpies: 2
  7. Jay: 1
  8. Blackbird: 2
  9. Blackcap: 1
  10. Dunnock: 1
Sadly some of the 'usual suspects' failed to show up, notably the colony of Long-tailed tits and threcharm of Goldfinches. These were both included in my 2019 count.

Saturday 25 January 2020 at 12.50...

Our 'other garden wildlife' included Common Frog (sightings up significantly since we added a tiny pond to the garden), Grey Squirrel and Hedgehog. 

If you have taken part, I wonder what you saw. This was my count for 2019...


  1. Hi Caroline, we did the birdwatch in a local park so added goosander and kingfisher to our lists, not usual garden birds. Other than that we saw sparrowhawk, bullfinches, bluetits, blackbirds, woodpigeons, long tailed tits, herring gulls, stock dove and dunnock.

  2. Good total Caroline :) I haven't done mine yet as was busy in and out yesterday and atm it is raining!! Especially good to record Blackcap, Jay and hedgehog :) I always enjoy reading what others have seen.

  3. I think you did well here …
    It will be interesting to see the overall results.

    All the best Jan
