Monday 4 November 2019

Scarlet Tiger Moth

Who says moths are dull?

I have been meaning to post these moth photographs for ages. I posted the pictures on iSpot months ago, hoping for confirmation of my identification, but sadly I am still waiting. Perhaps some kind blogger will come to my aid instead!

We were at NT Trerice (such beautiful grounds...) in Cornwall back in late June when we became aware of a flutter over the flower bed. Amazingly, the insect came to rest, with forewings tightly together. We waited and watched, and to our delight, the moth eventually opened its wings, revealing the beautiful scarlet that you see in the photo above. I don't know whether the yellow marks, as opposed to the white marks, on the forewing are pale because the moth had just emerged: I had expected them to be brighter.

This was a first sighting for me and I am smitten! I hope I may get my eye in next year, and find some more... 



  1. Lovely to see your photographs of this beautiful looking moth, such wonderful colours.

    All the best Jan

  2. Wonderful photos of a rather gorgeous moth :) and I agree with your id although have to say I am not an expert! I haven't been putting out my moth trap much recently - I really ought to start again.

  3. what beautiful photos, I think your id is correct though I have never seen one myself so may be wrong
