Thursday 9 May 2019

Catching Up: Pre-Easter Break in North Norfolk

We spent a wonderful few days in North Norfolk just before Easter. The two Wordles above show some of the wildlife we saw. I wish I could improve my wader ID skills! The weather was mixed: it was fairly dry apart from the Sunday, but pretty chilly.

We spent some time inland, visiting the Broads, and quite a bit of time on the coast. The photo above shows us approaching St Benet's Abbey on a boat from South Walsham Inner Broad.

Men were hard at work harvesting reeds. 

Yes, it was pretty chilly on the water!

We visited Ranworth Broad where you can see Swallowtails a bit later on in the year. The one above was part of a kneeler in St Helen's Church - and the one below was part of a misericord. 

I particularly liked the misericord of St Benet's...

There is a lovely boardwalk through a stretch of Alder carr...

... and reedbeds ...

... to this floating Visitor Centre run by Norfolk Wildlife Trust. The family ahead of us saw an Otter as they approached the building: we looked but weren't so lucky. However it was wonderful to watch the Great Crested Grebes performing their courtship dances ...


I will add a few photos of our coastal adventures in another post, but since it wasn't Swallowtail season, here is a Peacock butterfly we saw in Ranworth ...


  1. A wonderful post and photos Caroline. You certainly saw a lot of species and I love the abbey and the Swallowtail kneeler and misericord in the church. Some years ago we went to Norfolk in March for my 60th birthday and it was freezing - one nice day, one day of fog, one of heavy rain and the next snow! - the children were not impressed! although we did have better weather when we went for one night more recently. It is such a lovely part of the world and I really enjoyed reading about your break there - I look forward to seeing more :)

  2. You did get some lovely photographs, thanks for sharing them with us here.

    All the best Jan

  3. What a lovely visit, the photos of the great crested grebes are wonderful!
