Sunday 5 May 2019

An Orange-tip, a Dragon and Bluebells at Sutton Hoo

This is just a quick post: I couldn't resist adding the Orange-tip photograph. Doesn't the butterfly look stunning on the Bluebell?

Orange and blue are complementary colours, on opposite sides of the colour wheel, so where does camouflage come in? Obviously it doesn't, but I wonder why...

I am sure the dragon had more to do with the Sutton Hoo Anglo-Saxons than with St George, but there it was waiting for us to find in the wood on 23 April! 


  1. Love the dragon and the bluebells with the orange tip bonus!

  2. Beautiful photos - love the dragon :)

    I know the Orange Tip's mossy licheny hindwigs provide camouflage but not sure about the orange and white. An interesting thought you have raised there Caroline

    re: church apps on phones and your comment on my blog. Will try and add a link here to the website - it probably won't work but you can hopefully copy and paste. The basic content is free but for full content I think it is about £15 a year or you can pay monthly. Wish I had a better phone - tbh I only use my ancient android for emergencies but one day will get round to asking my daughter if I can put apps on it and if so how!!!!

  3. Interestingly, RR, we also saw a male Orange Tip on or by some umbellifers (I forget whether he was actually perching), and what you describe as the 'mossy' patterned underside looked exactly like the white laced edges and the in-between greenery of the plant.

  4. Beautiful photographs.

    All the best Jan
