Friday 22 March 2019

Ladybird, ladybird...

Just a quick post to add these 7-spot ladybirds to my blog. All three were photographed in our garden. We seem to have had quite a few this year, so I hope it bodes well. These sightings remind me that I must update my home patch list...


  1. They are so cute, wonderful photos! Happy weekend!

  2. Lovely photos and so good to see native ladybirds. Here we mainly get Harlequins in the garden! :(

  3. Thank you, Conehead 54, Eileen and RR, for your kind comments. And, yes, I'm thrilled to see these 7-spots in our garden this year. Perhaps the insect hotels are playing their part...

  4. Superb photos. I really think a lot more research needs to be done on Ladybirds. Toodles, Mark.

  5. Great to see these photographs.
    Enjoy your week, I think we may have some good weather here in the UK.

    All the best Jan

  6. Thank you, Conehead 54, RR, Mark and Jan, for your kind comments. It is the second winter I have had three ladybird hotels in the garden, and it's lovely to see them producing 7-spots! And, judging by pic 2, hopefully there should be more on the way!

  7. Lovely photos, Isaw my first 7 spot ladybird of the year on Monday
