Friday 1 February 2019

The Garden in Winter

In case we don't get any more snow for a while, I thought I should post a few wintry photos. They were all taken yesterday morning...  Do we think this is a Blackbird? 

Snow on the ground, frost in the air...

I wonder if there are any overwintering Ladybirds in the insect hotel...

Star of the show, heading for the coconut feeders...

I feel this view has come a month late (or eleven months early)... The car thermometer registered -6 degrees centigrade yesterday morning.

Keep warm!


  1. Lovely selection of photos Caroline, hope to get out to day and get a few snowy photos.
    Amanda xx

  2. Goodness -6 degrees, that was cold!

    A very nice selection of photographs.

    All the best Jan
