Monday 14 January 2019

Signs of Spring ... Snowdrops in Suffolk

Snowdrops, Martlesham, January 2018
It was a dull windy afternoon, so we went to Martlesham (on the other side of the Deben from Sutton Hoo) in search of signs of spring. St Mary's churchyard will soon be awash with yellow and purple Crocus flowers, but we were hoping to see Snowdrops, our first Snowdrops of the year.

 The church sits above Martlesham Creek ...

... and, sure enough, there were a few early drifts of Snowdrops for us to enjoy.

 Some were still in bud,

 ... while others were in bloom.

I noticed one early Crocus flower ...

There were a few Holly berries, adding a splash of brightness to the hedge.

We peeped inside the church just before it was locked, and saw a wall painting (St Christopher bearing the Christ-Child) ...

 ... and some beautiful panes of stained glass. I particularly liked the sheep faces.

1903 stained glass by Walter Pearce, the Good Shepherd

I was delighted to see my first Daisy of 2019: may there be many more!


  1. Always lovely to see the first snowdrops of the year! Ours will start flowering soon

  2. Every aspect of your journey here is delightful - your readers are with you,
    as you look with great respect and love, at flowers and stained glass.

  3. What a super church and churchyard. So lovely to see your first snowdrops of the year. I noticed a few daisies in flower (in a churchyard) at the weekend too.

    The wall painting in the church is wonderful and the stained glass with the sheep just beautiful :)

  4. Isn't it lovely to see the first snowdrops.
    Lovely to see all of your photographs, and I do like the stained glass windows.

    All the best Jan
