Thursday 24 January 2019

Pecking Order

Some of you will know that we have had builders and decorators in to put right the damage caused by a flood. There has been a fair amount of hanging around which has meant that I have snatched spare in-between moments to keep an eye on the bird feeders. We even a had a brief visit from a Sparrowhawk the other day: these are not my favourite birds to have at close quarters when there are small birds trying to feed in these cold temperatures. Today it has been largely the turn of the Starlings and Long-tailed Tits. 

I might like it to be a case of 'share and share alike', but I can see wisdom (or instinct) in the tiny Long-tailed tit's patient reticence!

Meahwhile on the other coconut, a second Long-tailed tit had the food all to itself. 

We have had a few sleety snow flurries but no lying snow to date. There have been intermittent visits from Blue tits, Great tits and a Robin, too. And no sign today of the Sparrowhawk so far...

Don't forget: this weekend is the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch. It lasts from 26th to 28th January, and the link explains how you can take part.


  1. Do you refill the coconut shells? Lots of interesting behavior at your feeders. What fun to watch. Hope the repair/redecorating projects are going well.

  2. I just took shots of two starlings on my deck feeder today. They were knee deep in snow and it was 8 degrees F. I like the other two kinds of birds that you shared.

  3. Lovely to see the Long-tailed tits - always such a joy to watch. Have only seen the local Sparrowhawk here once this year! They seem to catch mainly bigger birds such as Collared Doves and pigeons here although I did once see one going round and round a laurel bush and trying to enter it where house sparrows were hiding!

    Hope the decorating and building work will soon be finished - always difficult to concentrate on much when you have work men in the house!

  4. Thank you all for your kind comments. And, Wilma, no we don't refill the shells: we use them to mulch the garden instead. Interesting, Larry, to hear that you also have starlings. And, RR, thank you for this inf about the Sparrowhawk. I have a horrid hunch it might have taken one of a pair of Collared Doves as I have only noticed one recently, and they were always 'almost' together i.e. one on roof, other on fence etc. I hope that is not the case... Thank you, too: we can't wait to get straight again after 6 weeks, but the end is in sight.

  5. Hope the repair work is soon over and done with. Lovely to see the long tailed tits, such entertaining wee birds

  6. Do hope your repair work/building work will soon be finished …

    How lovely to see the long-tailed tits.
    I enjoyed all of your photographs.

    All the best Jan
