Saturday 18 August 2018

Northern Holiday 2018, Post 4: Tysties at Portpatrick

I photographed the above sign at the Mull of Galloway lighthouse on a previous visit, but can't resist re-posting it as Tysties are among our favourite 'Scottish' birds. The term 'Tystie' apparently dates from the late 18th century, though its nordic origins go way back: it pretty much rhymes with 'feisty'.

We had been told that Portpatrick, on the east coast of the Rhins peninsula, was a traditional fishing cove, so we were eager to go and investigate. What a beautiful spot ... and with four Tysties in the harbour, splashing about in the evening sunshine.

I hope the photos below make you smile: we love to watch these charismatic seabirds!

We were just leaving the harbour to catch the sunset round the corner when we saw all four birds together: what a lovely sight!

It was a cool evening, but the sunset heralded yet another remarkably sunny day.


  1. A great set of photos - I loved all the ones of the Tysties - a species I have never seen! A lovely seaside village too - it looks a wonderful location for a holiday.
