Sunday 12 August 2018

Mystery Insect, Possibly Cuckoo Wasp

This insect was in my Suffolk garden today (it was actually on 15th, but I'm keeping holiday posts together). I'm wondering if it might be a solitary bee or a cuckoo wasp (or possibly a kind of fly). We see Ruby-tailed Wasps most years. Please leave a comment if you know ...

Update: thanks to a kind enthusiast on iSpot, it seems it may well be a Tachinid fly, possibly genus Cylindromyia.And further thanks to Conehead54 who tells me in the Comments below that it is 'Eriothrix rufomaculata, which is a parasitoid of various moth larvae.'


  1. Looks like some kind fly judging by the eyes

  2. Indeed a fly- one of the tachinid flies- Eriothrix rufomaculata, which is a parasitoid of various moth larvae.

  3. I really missed iSpot while it was going through a slow-upload period. Used it for the first time again this week and it was a delight. Can't function properly on my blog without the kind people there who help with making or confirming IDs.

  4. Thank you all for taking the time to comment, and Conehead54, thank you so much for the ID info which I'm delighted to have. Not sure I should be so delighted to have these flies in the garden, though, as we like our moths!
