Thursday 24 May 2018

My First Mint Moth of 2018

I was delighted to find a Mint Moth (Pyrausta aurata) in the garden this morning. We have seen these small creatures here before, but only infrequently. Each forewing is about the size of a little fingernail, possibly smaller. The strange thing is that to my knowledge we do not have any mint or thyme, but I guess these herbs may grow in neighbouring gardens.  

I had to be quite patient while the moth rested on the underside of a nettle: you can just see it in the photo above. 

After a few minutes of fluttering around and landing once or twice in shady patches of undergrowth, it perched on a Daisy in full sunshine, allowing me a good view. 

You can just make out its proboscis in the photo above so perhaps our Daisies were acceptable as mint substitutes. You can also see the distinctive markings of the underwings and the narrow stripes on the abdomen. 

This shows the insect with its wings together. You can see a fringe around the edges.


  1. This is a new one for me. I appreciate getting info on them as I can be watching or maybe knowing of what I have found.

  2. You've taken some super photos of that very tiny moth. The species always reminds me of fairies :) We get them here too - usually around the sage, mint and thyme but they were present before we planted the herbs.

    Thanks too for the interesting post on Dock bugs - I will now be looking out for those.
