Saturday 5 May 2018

Hedgehogs in the Garden

I had noticed signs of hedgehog in our garden the other day so David fetched his head torch last night at about 11.15 pm and peered out. Almost immediately he could hear rustling sounds from the direction of the back fence, but there right in front of him, under the birds' coconut feeder, was the hedgehog you see in the photo. I followed David out and took a few quick photos. My camera seemed to find it difficult to focus in the dark, so here you have one of the photos I uploaded (above) and one, originally equally dark, that I ran through Photoshop. The colours are a bit strange, but at least there is no mistaking the fact that the creature is a hedgehog. I failed to see the other hedgehog(s) by the back fence: there just wasn't enough light, but how exciting to think that our garden is being visited by these lovely mammals. 

Some of you will know that the folk at Suffolk Wildlife Trust (and we are both members) are wanting to make Ipswich the most hedgehog-friendly town in the UK with the help of their Ipswich Hedgehog Project.

There are various things such as the provision of bowls of water or 'hedgehog highways', hedgehog-sized holes in fences that link one garden to the next, that will not only encourage these creatures to live in our urban and suburban spaces, but will also help them to mate, breed and multiply. Please note that hedgehogs should not be given bread and milk.

If you would like to be involved in projects to help our hedgehogs but you do not live in Suffolk, you will find helpful information at Hedgehog Street.

As it happens (and thanks to the National Hedgehog Preservation Society), Hedgehog Awareness Week begins tomorrow. Members of the public are being asked to get involved by spreading the word, contributing funds and helping in practical ways.

P.S. There were two hedgehogs again the next night ...


  1. A super informative post and great news that you have a hedgehog. I haven't seen one here for a few years. Warwickshire Wildlife Trust have a hedgehog project today especially active in Solihull and Rugby.

  2. I am SO excited about this ... I adore hedgehogs and am very pleased to see that project are underway to assist them with adapting to a human environment!

    (My husband is from Durham and we have been on many walks in the UK - one of which encountered a lovely hedgehog - the thrill of my life!!!)

  3. lovely that you're seeing hedgehogs, I very rarely see them

  4. How lovely to have a Hog in the garden, I have two holes in my fence so they can wonder through the gardens. Last year we had quite a few visiting but not noticed one this year so far.
    Amanda xx

  5. So good that you have hedgehogs, nice to see your photographs.

    All the best Jan

  6. Hello, sweet photos of the Hedgehog. They are adorable critters. I am sorry to be so late commenting. I just got home from our road trip and I am now trying to catch up on my commenting. Thanks so much for linking up your post. Have a happy day and weekend ahead.
