Tuesday 15 May 2018

Another Garden First, The Speckled Wood Butterfly

I was delighted this morning to find another garden first in the form of a Speckled Wood butterfly. I wish I could say it was the one above (which was in Wicken Fen some time ago), but the butterfly was too quick for me today, and all I have as proof of its presence is the shaky record shot below. My hope, of course, is that more may follow.

In my haste I focused the camera on the leaf in the foreground. But never mind.

I think the plant is a tangled, rather unattractive species of wild Honeysuckle. We cut it back a bit each year as it tries to take over the decking. It is not as invasive, however, as the Mile-a-Minute (aka Russian Vine) which we inherited and are always trying to subdue!

I like to keep a reasonable amount of the Honeysuckle plant, though, because it seems to provide cover for the Ruby-tailed Wasps who usually make their home in or around one of the insect hotels. I have yet to see one of these wasps this year, but here are a couple of photos I took last summer...


  1. Gorgeous butterfly, congrats on your sighting.
    Have a happy day!

  2. Always lovely to see a speckled wood, they're much later appearing up here! That little wasp is beautiful!

  3. Well done on the new garden sighting - always good to watch Speckled Wood. My husband finally got rid of our "mile a minute" and replaced it with a clematis.

  4. I am glad I am not the only to focus on the wrong thing!!! And how good of you to make sure wasps have a home! Most people are trying to avoid them!
