Wednesday 23 May 2018

A Second Large Red Damselfly

This is the second Large Red damselfly in our garden this year: I believe it is a male. Look at the silken threads. 

It is always a joy when the Ceanothus comes in to flower at the edge of the decking: you can see how much pollen has been collected already!

There were several Zebra Spiders moving around: the photo below shows one who paused momentarily from its jumping activities, so I grabbed my camera.


  1. Lovely photos especially like the one of the damselfly. I saw a Banded Demoiselle yesterday but didn't have my camera with me. The Californian Lilac looks good at attracting bees :)

  2. Hello, beautiful shot of the damselfly. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!

  3. What a stunning photograph of the large red damselfly.

    All the best Jan
