Tuesday 3 October 2017

No Barn Owls, but...

Part of the excitement of wildlife watching is that you never quite know who or what will turn up. We headed for a spot where we had seen Barn Owls on several occasions in the past, but on this particular afternoon (last Sunday), there were none about. We did however catch an unexpected glimpse of a Little Owl from the car window, but it had flown by the time I could click my camera. Just as we turned for home we noticed this Kestrel on an iron fence. Suffolk is full of surprises!


  1. What a lovely sight, and a handsome bird - it is such a treat getting surprise sightings

  2. Shame you didn't get to photo the Owl, but nice to get the Kestrel.
    Amanda xx

  3. Lovely to see your photograph of this Kestrel.

    All the best Jan

  4. Not sure where you took this photo - but are kestrels becoming an urban bird?
