Monday 1 May 2017

RSPB Garden, Flatford - Insects Emerging

We paid a short visit to the RSPB Wildlife Garden in Flatford, home of the artist John Constable.

It was not particularly sunny, and there was a breeze about, but we managed to spot a few insects.

The photo above shows a corner of the dedicated Wildlife Garden, and the photo below shows the scene from the bridge above the Stour, including Bridge Cottage, in the care of the National Trust.

One of the volunteers in the garden helped us to see an Orange Tip egg, which you can just make out as a golden yellow dot on this stem of Jack-by-the-Hedge (aka Garlic Mustard).

You can see a close-up Orange tip butterfly egg here.

I saw one adult Orange tip, but failed to photograph it.

We noticed a couple of Peacocks in a sheltered spot.

I believe the creature above is some kind of parasitoid Wasp.

I was admiring the rosemary when I noticed this Rosemary Beetle. What a fine-looking insect, but what a pest (do check your lavender, rosemary and sage: you can report your own sightings here). We came home to find one of these beetles on our lavender bush...

There was a Queen wasp (something like Vespula germanica?) on the wooden planks.

Despite one or two less welcome visitors, it was a joy to see the emergence of a variety of insects.

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