Friday 7 April 2017

More woolly than wild?

We had a wonderful time at NT Ickworth with the lambs last weekend...

These tulips in the walled garden mark out the extent of last year's wildflower 'patch'...

... I love tulips, but I also love all the insects that wildflowers attract.

What it is to be cool...

...or cute.

... Oh, and we also saw a stoat, but sadly it was too fast for my camera. A wonderful sighting all the same.


  1. Oh Caroline what a fantastic collection of photographs.
    The lambs and the tulips, the scenery too - they are all so lovely.
    I really enjoyed looking at this post of yours, thank you.

    I hope the weather has enabled you to get out and about over this weekend, it really has been quite warm.

    All the best Jan

  2. what a wonderful selection of sweet lambs! Always nice to see a stoat too....
