Friday 17 February 2017

My First Moth Sighting of 2017

We have noticed a few more moths about this week. The (as yet unidentified) one in the photographs spent a day on our window, but I am guessing that it may have a broken wing. I wonder if the photos suggest the same scenario to you? Having seen the photo of the Lunar Underwing here (if you scroll down the linked page), I am wondering if an encounter with a spider's web might also be the reason for the misplaced wing for the moth in my photo. It was on the outside of the glass: the top picture shows the underside - and antennae.

I understand that moths like the Spring Usher and the Early Moth would normally be taking to the wing at about this time of year.


  1. I agree Caroline, I think it may have a broken wing. I can't identify the species!

  2. None here yet, will have my eyes open! The warm weather forecast for next week may well have an effect

  3. The moth had gone by this morning...
