Thursday 5 January 2017

Seals are Wild Animals

This afternoon we came across a couple of people watching over a Grey Seal pup, a 'white-coat' in its fluffy lanugo (suggesting an age of two weeks or thereabouts), on a Suffolk beach. They were keeping an eye on the pup and trying to ring for help.

I stood some distance away and ensured that dog owners restrained their pets in the vicinity.

David managed to get through to a local RSPCA representative, who said that a staff member would be sent to the beach. The couple stayed at their post, waiting for help to arrive, and we left them to their vigil once everything had been arranged.

I came back home to find that there had been an article in the Eastern Daily Press only yesterday, offering advice for those who find seal pups on their own. Please take a moment to read it.

Only two days before we had spotted a group of adult seals off the coast of Dunwich. These were some way out, and were splashing around individually and together, and belly-flopping in the water near a fishing vessel. It was a delight to take our binoculars and watch these wild animals behaving naturally.

Seals off Dunwich, 2017


  1. And people wonder what photos of the loch ness monster really are showing

  2. "It was a delight to take our binoculars and watch these wild animals behaving naturally."
    I would have loved to have seen it too - but good to read your words here

    All the best Jan
