Saturday 28 January 2017

RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch 2017

The photo above shows one of the feisty Robins, and one of the first birds to clock-in to the count.

At this point I would like to point to the RSPB's rationale behind the Bird Count: facts and figures can be fun (or not), but this key annual survey began with a purpose in mind, as you will see if you click this link. You might also find this page helpful, which mentions the conservation status that can be assessed for individual species when numbers are known and charted.

I did the bird survey between noon and 13.00 hours this morning, about an hour later than a year ago and I sense the later time produced fewer results. My hunch is that the birds in our Suffolk garden are active early in the morning and shortly before dusk.

So who failed to show up? Well, the Wren, the Starlings, most of the Magpies, the Jay, the Great spotted Woodpecker (who has not been around often of late) - and a fine male Bullfinch who was here yesterday.

Sadly the Greenfinches who were around when we moved in four years ago are rarely seen. The lone Redwing was here a few days ago.

As for the survey section on 'other wildlife', I was able to to say that I have seen stag beetles, foxes, hedgehogs and a stoat 'less than monthly' in the last year here in the garden. There was not a box for the Grey Squirrel who comes to the berry-and-fat feeder most days.

I wonder how your surveying went - or will go if you have yet to take part before the end of this weekend. My results have been submitted to the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch site.

I see I got seven this year out of the top ten birds on last year's list.

These are a few of the other birds who put in an appearance today...

Female Blackbird

Blue tit

Great tit

Long-tailed tit

And here is the one who got away (by showing up a day early)...

male Bullfinch


  1. lovely photos Caroline, a nice line up of birds for the watch!

  2. Greenfinch numbers are well down after a sickness outbreak, I hardly ever see them in town anymore when they used to be so common

  3. Lovely photos and so interesting to read about what you saw. I managed 10 species here and, as always, some you expected to see just didn't appear!! Will do a post on it early next week. We certainly seem to get fewer species than we used to a few years back.

  4. I enjoyed your photographs Caroline, thank you

    All the best Jan
