Friday 20 January 2017

A 'First' Garden Sighting - Redwing (I think...)

I looked out of my window this afternoon just before sunset and noticed an unusual bird on the branches of the Acer negundo, which rarely attracts avian life. 

Wondering if it could be a Redwing, I grabbed my camera and was able to take three record shots through the double glazing before it flew off. I apologise for the quality, but I think the photos show a solitary Redwing (unless you can advise me of some other ID) - a 'first' in my home patch; and, in fact, my first migratory Redwing of the year. There is a clear superciliary stripe and just a hint of the characteristic russet colour around the wing area on the photo above. You can see a few stray berries in the background which had perhaps lured the bird into our garden in the first place.   

I note from the RSPB website that Redwing have been given Red conservation status. I had never seen these birds before we moved to Suffolk five years ago. 


  1. Great sighting and garden "tick" ! :) I love seeing Redwings and Fieldfares too :) Occasionally get both in the garden but usually in snowy cold weather when I put apples out for the birds. Sadly, these days Blackbirds and Wood Pigeons scoff all the garden berries so by December they are all gone and none left to attract the winter visitors!

  2. redwing definitely, nice clear eyebrow line
