Monday 31 October 2016

Autumn colour and a Hornet at the RSPB Wildlife Garden in Flatford



An array of insect hotels
Fiery autumn shades

A prolific species of Blackfly

European Hornet

Crab apple

RSPB Wildlife Garden, Flatford

Last of the season's caterpillars...

Wonderful leaves...

... in red, green, brown, yellow and gold.

Busy bee

Last time we were here the Nasturtiums were covered in caterpillars. The flowers were still in bloom, but no caterpillars.

Acer (with keys)

Guelder rose berries

It would be a shame to visit the Flatford ...

... without watching the Mute Swans on the Stour.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful autumnal colours - spindle berries are so colourful :) Love the insect hotels too.
