Friday 2 September 2016

Kingfisher Sighting, Norfolk

I have always hoped that I would have the chance to photograph a Kingfisher. My few sightings to date have been fleeting ones, and I had never had the pleasure of seeing one of these stunning birds on a perch before.

We visited Gooderstone Water Gardens in Norfolk over the weekend; and there, just outside the Kingfisher Hide, was ... a Kingfisher.

The Latin name is Alcedo atthis. The first word links up with the more familiar 'halcyon', derived from two Greek words and meaning 'conceived at sea'. According to mythology, halcyon birds bred on nests out in the ocean. The computer colour, cyan, derives from the Greek word, kuaneos, meaning 'dark blue'.

How can turquoise feathers really be a dusky brown? I have always found the phenomenon of iridescence and semi-iridescence a fascinating one! 

The view from the hide at Gooderstone, with two perfect Kingfisher perching sticks

The water gardens at Gooderstone, Norfolk


  1. You certainly made up for lost time with these excellent shots, Caroline! So much action, too. It must have a been a great joy to watch.

  2. Hello, great sighting and photos of the Kingfisher. They are beautiful birds. Happy Friday, have a happy weekend!

  3. Oh Caroline ... I am so pleased you were able to get these brilliant photo's.
    So enjoyed looking at them and Gooderstone Gardens looks a very nice place to visit.

    All the best Jan

  4. Hello Caroline - I'm not sure if my earlier comment came through?

    Just wanted to say I love your photo's and the gardens look a very nice place to visit.

    Have a lovely weekend

    All the best Jan

  5. Great sighting and photos Caroline. A species I am yet to capture on camera!

  6. Hi Caroline, just surfed on in from the Low Carb Diet as I noticed your comment about your Kingfisher, I decided to pop on over. So glad I did. Your photos are marvelous and I enjoyed them tremendously.

  7. Wonderful photos and am so pleased you finally managed to get some photos of this species :) Never been lucky enough here to get a picture - the hide at Brandon Marsh which is the best place to see them is always packed with photographers and it is hard to get a seat!!! Have a good weekend.

  8. lovely photos Caroline, kingfishers are so elusive for the photographer asthey tend to just dash past

  9. Thank you all so much for your comments. I wonder how long it will be before I see the next Kingfisher...
