Monday 1 August 2016

Two More Big Butterfly Counts - still time to take part!

Red Admiral (and bee!) - a highlight of the 30 July count

We have done two more Big Butterfly Counts since my last butterfly post. The count continues until 7 August, and sightings can be logged on the site until the end of the month, so do see if you can join in.

Whites were showing in reasonable numbers (the count lasts for 15 minutes) on both occasions; but as you can see, we failed to see either of the specified day-flying moths. Other notable omissions are the Small Tortoiseshell and the Painted Lady. 

The Red Admiral in the photo was nectaring in the glorious grounds of Beth Chatto Gardens.

1 comment:

  1. I've been joining in too, lots of whites in some places but not really as many butterflies overall as I would hope. Bo commas so far this year
