Thursday 7 April 2016

Scavenger Hunt for March 2016

My thanks to Suzzie ('greenthumb')
for choosing the words shown in blue on my post
and preparing the March Scavenger Hunt.


We sometimes see this delightful character 
as she is often found grazing in one of our favourite local haunts.


We spent Easter in Salisbury,
and walked around the Cathedral Cloisters.
You can see the spire in the stained glass. 

The poet, George Herbert, lived just outside the city,
close to Wilton and to Old Sarum in a village called Bemerton. 
This stained glass window is in Bemerton Church.
What fine oak leaf and acorn decoration.


These are perhaps flutes rather than stripes!
I love the crinkly-crankly lines along the edge.
We saw this shell on the beach at Cley-next-the-Sea last weekend.  



We always enjoy seeing this wind pump 
at NT Wicken Fen, not far from Ely.  
The crisp lines and criss-crosses of the sails
always look wonderful against the wide skies of East Anglia.

Street art

 Not technically 'street art', 
but we try to keep an eye out
for cute or unusual signs on the road.

I have seen a flying pig sign not far from home ...


This Robin spent a large part of the day
perched on the fence, in front of the tiles. 
Most of the time she had bits of twig and leaf in her bill,
so we hope there will soon be chicks.


I could not find the photo I had in mind
of real stone stairs,
so this is a view of wooden steps
 - rather impressive ones -
at Tintagel.


One of our 'regulars'
enjoying a Good Hair Day!


'Measure for Measure'
or perhaps
the heart of love ...

Swans at Thorpeness,
displaying in front of the 


I couldn't resist posting
perched above the sea in Mumbles.

For one

Des res ...

an English duck's home is her castle,
in the grounds of Hedingham Castle. 

I was thrilled to see clumps of Coltsfoot on the bank. 


Spring in Suffolk 

Twin lambs at NT Ickworth. 


If you have enjoyed seeing these pictures, why not join in the next Scavenger Hunt
and/or take a look at some of the other responses ... here.

Happy hunting!


  1. Wonderful wildlife shots and the windmill photo is also a favourite.

  2. What on earth is the expression on that sheep's face??!!! It's hilarious.

  3. lovely selection of photos, I hope your robins soon have chicks. I saw a newly completed robins nest the other day, very close to the side of a path, so I hope they rear young successfully without too much disturbance

  4. You have a great selection of photos this month and my new favourite expression 'crinkly-crankly'! Loved the squirrel warning sign and the romantic swans. My favourite though was the stunning shot of the windmill. x
