Tuesday 8 March 2016

March comes in with a lion, feeling more like winter than spring

Winter and spring compete for the upper hand ...

... while the male Great Spotted Woodpecker and the tiny Blue bit share and share alike.

But will March go out like a lamb?


  1. all very strange here too, snow on the ground and lots of birdsong

  2. Hello, wonderful images. Our weather is very calm and warm this week. I ope it stays that way. I love the cute lambs and the woodpecker. Happy Tuesday, enjoy your day!

  3. The lambs do look very contented laying out on the green grass.

  4. Lovely photos, the Lamb's are so cute...
    Amanda xx

  5. Yes March came in very cold here too. The Spring bulbs are finally flowering, but I reckon we are a couple of weeks later than usual. Everything else is very slow to get going. Would be lovely if we have a warm end to the month.

  6. Lovely post and photos - its certainly been a lot colder here recently! Love the contrast of snow/frost and daffodils in your picture.

  7. In like a Lion here too. Great pictures Caroline, those lambs especially.

  8. It was so lovely and mild for such a long time – and then it got cold even here in London and now I am fed up with 3 layers of clothes every time I go out to potter around in my garden. I am ready for warm spring weather :-)

  9. March was wintry in its start but has warmed this week so March is actually bringing a bit of an an early spring!
