Friday 4 March 2016

More 7-spot Ladybirds ...

Having seen first one and then two 7-spot Ladybirds yesterday, I saw a group of three this morning, only to discover seconds later as the shrub parted that there were in fact four.

I have logged these with the UK Ladybird Survey, placing my records on the iRecord site.

STOP PRESS: My thanks to Amanda for this link. Don't miss it!

And do take a look at Amanda's beautiful blog, too!


  1. Are they still sleeping or up and about?

  2. The fact that this is the same branch (if you look closely) suggests to me, Simon, that they were very much up and about, lured by the bright sun shining in their sheltered corner.

  3. Lovely photos of the ladybirds. The only ones I've seen here are Harlequins :( waking up from hibernation in our bathroom! Like the look of the ladybird book you mentioned in your last post :)

  4. Great to get, hope you get to see many more over the coming months
    Have a lovely weekend.
    Amanda xx

  5. Hi Caroline you need to have a look at this link.

    I found on the BBC about Ladybirds
    Amanda xx
