Friday 18 March 2016

A Blackbird and her bill

At this rate we are unlikely to have any 2016 summer bedding plants looking like this ...

Mrs Blackbird is taking a break from our coconut feeders and was spotted outside on the patio with a bill stuffed to the brim with the mossy liner from our upright planter.

Who can blame her - spring is in the air despite the chilly temperatures. 


  1. Hopefully warming up for our nesting birds soon, or else it's going to be a cold sit! The blackbirds where I am are very aggressive at the moment

  2. Oh dear! We should be glad then, that our blackbirds are only taking the moss from our front 'so called' lawn.

  3. My dad commented this week , how the Blackbirds were making a mess of his pots too..
    Amanda xx

  4. Have seen birds here collecting moss from hanging baskets but they mainly take it from the lawn. Have seen wren and blackbird collecting nest material this week.

  5. I once planted a large planter with some Sempervivem (house leeks) only to watch the blackbird tear those plants to shreds! Looks like butter wouldn't melt don't you think.
