Monday 1 February 2016

RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch 2016 - Results

My count, 2016

The four Long-tailed tits

Great Spotted Woodpecker (female, no red on nape of neck)
Up and away ...

We were thrilled to have both the male and female Great Spotted Woodpeckers during the hour.

The usual suspects who failed to show up were ...
  • the Wren
  • the Starlings
  • the Goldfinches

Still on the subject of birds, it is worth noting that a couple of days in advance of the survey we had a Sparrowhawk. A Grey Heron flew over on Sunday, but would not have been counted as it did not touch down. The Chaffinch (just one) showed up minutes after the hour was up ... and a magnificent male Bullfinch was noted this afternoon.

I also logged the Grey Squirrel as a regular visitor on my count in the 'other wildlife/mammals' section - and the Stoat and Hedgehog as rare garden sightings.

The current statistics on the RSPB site are as follows:

Surveys submitted: 150295
People who have taken part: 231756
Birds spotted: 4696305

It will be fascinating to see the final numbers and the trends that develop. You can see my 2015 count here


  1. Isn't it annoying when usual birds don't show to be counted. It makes you feel like cheating - but then you can't because they are maybe being counted in someone else's garden. At least you can tell us about them. They really need a space to add birds that should have showed up!

  2. It looks like you saw 2 more species than me although I did manage to get wren in the last 5 minutes! I haven't seen our Great Spotted Woodpeckers this year which is concerning me. I don't think I have seen the two adults at the same time but we did once have one of the adults and juveniles! I saw a Goldcrest yesterday - as usual turned up after the count!!

  3. Hello, congrats to you. The woodpecker is an awesome sighting. I am looking forward to our backyard count in a few weeks. Happy Tuesday, enjoy your day!

  4. Lovely photos Caroline.. Isn't it annoying when they turn up after the count.. bit like my

  5. Lovely photos, what a handsome great spotted woodpecker! Good list too, though annoying that some of the 'usual suspects' didn't turn up!

  6. I loved seeing your wonderful birds! Thank you!
