Monday 29 February 2016

Greenfinches at Alton Water

We went for a drive yesterday afternoon to Alton Water on the Shotley peninsula. As you can see, this stretch of water is a reservoir. It is managed as a leisure park for those who wish to walk, sail or do a spot of birding.

I was particularly pleased to see that the wardens have placed bird feeders in front of the Blue Badge parking area, providing interest for those who park in these bays.

It was lovely to see Greenfinches, a bird I have not seen in our own Suffolk garden (on the other side of the river Orwell) for some years. These beautiful birds have been badly affected by Trichomonosis in recent times, and this may be the reason.   

With Great tit in flight on left

I noted Chaffinches, Blackbirds, Blue tits, Great tits, Wood Pigeons and a Wren in addition to the Greenfinches. Unfortunately the feeders were in a shady area under the trees, and I had my camera on the wrong setting, so my photos are far from brilliant. But never mind, they are fine as record shots, reminding me of an early spring afternoon.

We drove on to Shotley at the end of the peninsula to look across to Felixstowe and Harwich in the glowing light of early evening, enjoying skeins of geese, a pair of Mallards and the call of Oystercatchers. 

View from Shotley


  1. Hello, Caroline! Sounds like you had a nice outing. I love the pretty Greenfinches. The Oystercatchers are always a favorite sighting for me. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

  2. That female greenfinch is really bossing that feeder!

    As you say, they are uncommon garden birds now, I see a few out in the sticks, but never in town hardly. Feeders spread the disease, I should think.

  3. lovely photos, Caroline! Far fewer greenfinches up here than there used to be. Though we were surrounded by them on last week's winter wildlife walk

  4. We are very lucky to have good numbers of Greenfinch at the park, they seem to stay in one small area of the park, never venturing to the other park that runs along the side of it. Not had them in the garden either.
    Your day out looks lovely.
    Amanda xx
