Monday 22 February 2016

Frogspawn in Felixstowe - our first sighting in 2016

David took these photographs of frogspawn in Felixstowe yesterday. This is a first sighting for us in 2016.

Fair Acre Press have been running the Maligned Species project, and frogs are one of the four species that constitute the project.

You can buy the Fair Acre eBook of poetry about frogs here.

You can listen to the Fair Acre podcast on the Common Frog here.


  1. Good luck froggies, the weather is forecasting hard frosts though

  2. When I first read frogspawn I couldn't wrap my brain around the word. Now the sight shows me you are sharing future baby frogs. You are so lucky to have that so close to you to be watching them develop.

  3. Tadpoles.........when I was a kid.

  4. How lovely to see, every year I look out for Frog spawn and never manage to fine any :(
    Amanda xx

  5. Good to see - haven't seen any round here yet although frogs have been moving round in our pond for a few weeks. They usually spawn in March.
