Friday 12 February 2016

After last night's frost ...

There have been two Robins in the garden this morning. This one is busy collecting leaves ...

... for her nest. We even had a pair of Jays yesterday: spring must be nearly here!

This Silver Birch twig makes the perfect perch.
I had not see the female Great Spotted Woodpecker since the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch ...

... so it was good to watch her feeding a few minutes ago.

Other birds seem to give way to the male Woodpecker, but the tiny Blue tit was not perturbed by the female.

We have not see a Sparrow here for some time, but the Dunnocks are regular visitors. 

All these photos were taken with a zoom lens through a glass door. Robins do not like to be disturbed when they are preparing their nests!


  1. Lovely photos Caroline, your robin is very busy!

  2. Hello, wonderful birds and photos. I love the sweet robin and the woodpecker is awesome.
    Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

  3. In some ways it is more rewarding to see people's garden shots of birds on ordinary equipment than expensive equipped twitcher pictures. Love the woodpecker and robin.

  4. How lovely to see them gathering leaves to make their nest, Robin is one bird who will leave the garden over the summer months, which makes the Dunnock very happy. The wren's are back too this year, have never found were they are nesting but it must be close. We get Woodpeckers at the park but never in the garden, which is a shame. Have seen a few birds gathering nesting material this week too.
    Amanda xx

  5. Lovely to see the pair of Robins - ours are pairing up here too :) At long last our Great Spotted Woodpeckers have returned - feeding on a very similar looking fat-filled coconut here too :)

  6. I haven't noticed any birds collecting nesting material yet. Great shot of the female woodpecker - I only ever see the male here in my garden.

  7. We have pair of Robins and hoping they'll nest in the garden again. Lovely photos :o)
