Wednesday 2 September 2015

Constable Country - RSPB Flatford Wildlife Garden

Flatford Mill, painted by John Constable
We always enjoy a visit to Flatford, with its Constable connotations. The RSPB Wildlife Garden is a particular draw, especially when there are usually butterflies on the wing.

Saturday was a 'reasonable' afternoon by the standards of the summer. We entered the garden and were a bit surprised to see so many autumnal seedheads in August! 

I don't think we managed to spot one butterfly, but the volunteer staff member was very helpful and pointed out some other insects that we might well have missed.

The selection below shows these creatures and also a couple of mini-beasts that we spotted for ourselves.

Camouflaged Shieldbug instar nymph on sage

Not an insect this time, but an as yet unidentified arachnid!

The closest we came to a butterfly! A Mint Moth (thank you, RR, for confirming ID!)

A Willow Emerald damselfly

There were quite a few Bumblebees around


  1. Hello Caroline, sorry you missed the butterflies. But, the garden images are lovely. The damsel is my favorite. Have a happy day!

  2. Great post and photos - another place I would love to visit :)

    The insects in the first two photos are very well camouflaged. The pretty little moth is a Mint Moth - we get them in the garden and they always remind me of tiny fairies :)
